Lopa’s Mezcal Mist

Lopa’s Mezcal Mist

Introducing 🥁 A Brand New Cocktail from the Mind of Our Founder 🥁 Lopa’s Mezcal Mist

Wouldn't you know it? As soon as we come out with a hydration drink, Lopa’s gonna make a cocktail out of it 😜🌺🍸

And you better believe it’s delicious 🤤

One fine Boulder summer day a few weeks ago Lopa was getting ready to do an IG Live about our new Raspberry Hibiscus Hydration blend and in typical rural Boulder internets style, the internets were just not internetting that day for poor old Lopa. However, she had already put on a fabulous hat, and done her hair and makeup, and so she said "welp, I may as well make some content," and hence Lopa’s Mezcal Mist was born.

But that’s enough out of us, take a gander at the recipe below and mix yourself up one of these tasty beauties. You won’t be sorry:


1. Add a Spoonful of Raspberry Hibiscus
Start by adding a spoonful of our Raspberry Hibiscus Hydration to your glass. This will give your drink a beautiful, rich hue, and an instant flavor boost.

2. Add Water
Pour in some water to mix with the hibiscus. A little hydration goes a long way!

3. Add Ice
Fill your glass with ice cubes. This will keep your drink cool and refreshing.

4. Add Rose Water
Next, add a splash of rose water. Just a little bit will do. You'll love the subtle floral notes it brings.

5. Add Mezcal
Now for the fun part! Add a little mezcal to the mix. The smoky flavor will perfectly balance the sweetness of the raspberry and the floral hints of the rose water.

6. Stir it up & enjoy!
Give your drink a good stir to mix all the ingredients together. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your Lopa’s Mezcal Mist. Cheers to good times and great drinks! 🥂

Final Tips

Garnish Idea: Add a few fresh raspberries or a slice of lime to your glass for that extra touch!

Pairing: This drink pairs wonderfully with light appetizers like ceviche or a fresh salad.

Happy mixing! 🍹✨