Golden Chai is a fan favorite for a reason—it’s really that delicious. While it’s tasty enough to drink “black” (or should we say golden?), if you are looking to get fancy with it—we got you covered! We asked our team how they like to enjoy our recovery tonic blend. Here are three of their favorite recipes!

Sweet, sweet Bolden
Recommended by Shaq, Marketing Coordinator
- Brew 1 tablespoon Golden Chai and 1 tablespoon Rasa Bold together in your french press with 2 cups of water.
- After 10-15 minutes, press it and pour into your favorite mug.
- Once brewed, add 1/2 teaspoon of Magnificent Mushrooms, a scoop of collagen powder (optional), and steamed oat milk—Shaq recommends Trader Joes Brown Sugar Oat Creamer.
- Froth it all up, and enjoy!

Dirty (Golden) Chai
Recommended by Leah, Director of Strategy and Analytics
- Brew 1 tablespoon Golden Chai and 1 tablespoon Rasa Dirty together in your french press with 2 cups of water (if you don’t have Dirty, brew Golden Chai on its own and then add a shot of espresso!).
- After 10-15 minutes, press it and pour into your favorite mug.
- Add a splash of oat milk or your milk of choice and a sprinkle of cinnamon, plus a sweetener if that’s your thing!
- Bask in the glory of your adaptogenic Dirty Chai (you can take a sip now).

Ghee-fully Golden
Recommended by Lopa, Founder and CEO
- Brew 2 tbsp of Golden Chai with 2 cups of water in your french press (or Moka pot if you want it faster!)
- Add all of the following to your blender:
- 2 cups of brewed Golden Chai
- 1.5 tbsp Crème de la Creamer
- .5 tbsp ghee
- .5 tbsp honey
- Blend it up until it's all nice and blendy and frothy, pour into your favorite mug, and ahhhh! 😌