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(Psssst...wanna try a different blend every month? Your wish is our command.)

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Because we REALLY want to do everything in our small-business power to give these herbs a chance to work their magic in your system! (Seriously, if our CEO Lopa was a billionaire, she’d get arrested for illegal distribution of free Rasa across the world via well-paid carrier pigeons. Because #fairtrade & #sustainability. )

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Because duh. (& because we believe in FREEDOM to do whatever the heck makes your body-mind happy + calm.)


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That’s right, your very own place to manage your subscriptions, add one-time items, or change anything you need, and where your shipping is always free as a subscriber.

World-class customer care

We love you. There we said it! So the most important thing to us is your happiness. Whether it’s your order status or the best blend for you, our team cares A LOT about it.

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Our limited-edition blends have been known to sell out in 2 days! Whoa! That’s why members get first dibs, always.

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I’m ready, let’s choose my blend

You are a reader! 👏

In case you’re on the fence, we wanted to explain the slightly esoteric reason why adaptogens are seriously amazing.

Adaptogens have been shown in clinical trials to lower your stress response.

And, when your stress response is down, you have greater access to HOW YOU REALLY FEEL and WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

Let that sink in for a moment. Adaptogenic herbs not only nourish your entire *physical* system, they give you access to the YOU that exists when you’re not overriding your bodily wisdom in order to DO ALL THE THINGS.

And if there’s one thing this world needs right now, it’s people who are listening and honoring their truest selves.

Being, not doing. Breathing deeper. Listening to your wildly wise and gorgeous bod. Making decisions from a place of embodied personal power, not external conditions.

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Here is my WHY

“I love y’all. Everything about Rasa is just awesome...After the Covid craziness I found myself leaning on alcohol and caffeine to...I dunno...just get through things. But since the world is on the verge of self destruction and we have a lot of work to do to save it, I’m in it to win it and I know I have to play the long game and find my best self.

So, thank you for all you do! I’ll be sticking a daily cup of coffee if I feel like it, but I won’t be relying on it anymore. Here is my WHY.

Because my children deserve a world in which to live. Because my neighbors deserve to be embraced equally and treated fairly. Because I will fight injustice and demand reparations for those who have been wronged. Because I have so many gifts to share. Because I will take up space in big starfish power poses and boom laughter outwards.

And because, to do all these things, the universe has granted me a fleshy body and a spirit with which to access wonderful sparkly energy. This is why I choose to listen to the wisdom of my body, my mind, my heart, and the spirit.”

Stephanie O